Monday, December 26, 2011

I Love My Room

I am a girl who loves tidy room, everything in order and clean, because I feel like I am in heaven when everything looks cool. I can say that my room is just the best place on this planet. I used to have a room which had the most characters among other rooms in my house in East Timor, because when I came home from school, I spent most of my time in my room. When my friends came to my house, they always praised me that I am good at tidying room to look nicer hehehehe...

Since I came here (South Korea), I always live in dormitory and you whoever stayed or stay in dormitory may know that you must share a room with others. Sometimes you share room with a really good roommate, sometimes you don’t. Lucky you who loves everything in order (like me) share room with people that you prefer. And lucky you too who loves messy things share with the same people like you in a room. 

My order desk
My first time @ Bellarmino dorm

 In my case, I like sharing room with people who know putting things in right place, in order, also understand and respect their roommates. It just perfects when two people use a room rather than four people use a room like the dorm that I am living in now. When I first came to Korea, I stayed in Kongju National University's dormitory. As I said it is good sharing a room with one person, but I lived with a horrible roommate (I'm sorry friend). Yeah, actually she is nice, but gosh she was so messy that time. You could find everything in everywhere. Our room looked so terrible and messy, since there was no daily cleaning chores for us. 

However, I still remember, during I stayed there for six month, I always kept my place clean, and always tidied my place (Only in my space). I swear I couldn't study well because of the messy room. I always counted day, hoped that time could pass quickly so I could move to Seoul and find a good atmosphere to stay.

Finally, after six months I moved to Seoul and stay in Sogang University's dormitory, named Bellarmino (until now), where four people use a room together. The room is small, but there is a leaving room, complete with a set of sofa and TV on each floor, a refrigerator, a microwave, also a pair of washing  machines. At first, I regretted to stay in this dormitory, because I felt like I was in a jail. However, as time goes on I got used to it. At my first semester, I stayed with good roommates. 

Well, in this dorm, every semester you have to change the room and change roommates as well. It’s annoying to change the room, because you need to pack all your stuff, move to another room, and order your stuff again, but the good thing is that you can find new roommates. Yeah, sometimes I live with horrible roommates too, who are messy, and who don’t respect others when they sleep or study. I mean, the annoying roommates. Actually, I don’t like sharing room with those kinds of roommates, and I don’t like sharing room with a talkative people as well. I really hate it. but there is no choice because it is dorm not my own house. We have to follow all the rules of the dorm. I cannot do things up to me since the whole dorm is not mine. 

Even though, I still love my own place whenever I am, because I can always escape the outside world and concentrate on other important things in my life. Also, it shows how I have become independent and moved on in my life. Specially my desk, I spend most of the time on my desk for studying, making up, watching dramas and surfing internet.

In the next semester after my vacation back home, I hope I could share room with really really good roommates or not the new student or sophomore. I just want to stay with people who study hard and respect others at least.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Outing with Friends

Yesterday, (Thursday, 22 December 2011) was a good day. I met my friend Casey (a Myanmar girl) at Sinchon station at 5:30pm. We have not met for long time when she moved from Sogang University to Inha University. She is a nice girl and a kind girl. She came from Incheon to Sinchon just to meet me and Sonia (one of my best friend from East Timor). Also, Sonia came with her pretty Iranian friend named Nastaran. She has gorgeous eyes.

From left: Casey, Sonia, Natha

 We first went to a Mexican restaurant around Sinchon, had chicken grill and chicken fajita for dinner. It cost us 5000 won each person. The menus at that restaurant all are 5000 won. Those are not that expensive, but super delicious. We spent like over 30 minutes at that restaurant for eating, talking, and taking photos.

After that we went to Look Optical shop for our first window shopping activities. Yeah, we always do the same thing, “Window Shopping”, whenever we have no money. It’s fun though. Then we went to game place which is located across the street, of the Look Optical shop, for playing games. We played Car racing game and basket ball game. The next one, we went to U-PLEX department store for our second window shopping activities.

My pretty ladies
From left: Sonia, casey, Nastaran

The weather was pretty cold, so we decided to stay for a while in U-PLEX. While we sat at the sofa on the third floor, we took photos, saw magazine, and talked. After around 30 minutes, then we went down to the first floor and parted there. They went to Club or Bar for having some drink, and I went back home. I don’t like to drink, and there is no fun go to club or bar, that’s why I could not come with them. I used to go to night club and bar last two years ago every weekend without break, but then I changed my habit to spend more time for studying and doing something else except going to club and drinking. I enjoyed the day out with my girls, but felt sorry that I went back home earlier than them, and couldn’t go drink with them. However we still have bunch time later to hang out again.   

Thursday, December 22, 2011

FULL HOUSE ~ Si Island

Full House and The sad Love Song Set
My sister is just like me. We both love travelling, and love everything about Korea. Last winter vacation she came to visit me, and she persuaded me to take her to Si Island which is close to the Incheon International Airport. The Island is one of the filming locations of Korean dramas, Full House and The Sand Love Song.

Our first destination: Full House filming location

Our second destination: The Sad Love Song filming location 

The sisters @ Sommok port

To get to the island, we took Incheon International Airport direction subway, and got off at Unseo station (운서역), and then took a taxi to Sammok Port. After arriving at sammok port, we went to the ticket station and bought 3 two-way tickets.

My sister looked so excited, me and my boyfriend was happy to see her happy like that. I was there last year, so I knew the place quite well. We took a ferry from Sammok port to Si island, and it took us around 20~30 minutes.  

Couple boat @ Sammok Port ^^ 

The lonely single boat @ Sammok Port :(

Sammok Port view from ferry

Ferry leaving Sammok Port 

After we got to the island, we took a bus which is going to the location. However the bus does not go directly to the location, we got off at the intersection which leads us to a rented bike place. It took about 2 minutes to get there. We rented three bicycles and rode to our destination.

My sister with her favorite Korean actor Rain ()

Bi Rain and Song Hye Kyo

The filming location of Full House is located near the beach. As I mentioned the weather was cold (it was winter anyway), but not cloudy. It was sunny and beautiful. When we reached that place, there were not so many people (visitors). They were trolling at the beach taking pictures. None of them are foreigner people, except us. 

To enter the house which is used mainly by Full House drama, we had to buy ticket which cost us 5000 won each person. My boyfriend didn't want to enter the house, so I got two tickets for me and my sister. 

Behind her is the house where the drama was setting

We went to the house and took a bunch of pictures. While we were inside busy with the photos, my boyfriend was walking around the beach side. 

Sitting in Song Hye Kyo's bed

Capture of drama Full House episode 10
Bi took care of 
 Song Hye Kyo when she was sick

There are lot photos from different scenes of drama Full House 
that hanging on the whole wall inside the room

Wedding picture of Bi and Song Hye Kyo

My sister inside the house

Drinking Hite beer scene 

The yellow bike is the bike that Bi uses for teaching Song Hye Kyo

Bi teaches Song Hye Kyo how to ride the bike

After that, we then headed to the second destination which was the Sad Love Song set. It took us 10 minutes by riding bike to get there. I love riding to the place because I felt so good. After we got there, unfortunately we cannot enter the house. We just looked around the house and took some pictures.

From left: my sister, me, and my boyfriend at
"The Sad Love Song" set

Finally, time showed 5 pm. We had to go back to the port before the ship stopped the operation. Thanks God, when we reached to the port, the ship was still there. We waited for 20 minutes before riding the ship, so during our waiting we ate odeng and ojingo. 

I think the island itself would be a nice place for people who love to walk on the beach, picnic or bathing. It is quite rural and there are few commercial establishments also no apartment building.

One of my Favorite photo 
Me and my sister were waiting for the ferry

The view of Sindo Port

Beautiful sunset at sea, Sindo Port

If you wanna get more information, visit this website: 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

미소는 얼굴을 예쁘게 만든다

평범한 외모를 가진 사람에게는 미안하지만, 미남이나 미인일수록 사랑 받기 쉽다. 이 사실을 부정해서는 안 된다. 사람들이 꽃미남 배우와 예쁜 연예인에게 관심을 보이는 이유는 그들이 우리보다 잘생겼기 때문입니다.

심리학 자료를 보면 매력적인 외보를 가진 사람일수록 좋은 인상을 준다. 또 많은 실험이 이를 증명한다. 예쁜 여자와 추한 여자가 고속도로에 차를 세워 놓고 도움을 청하면 대략 80:20 정도로 예쁜 여자에게 몰린다. 이는 남자의 경우에도 마찬가지다. 이를 비난하거나 무시해서는 안 된다. 예쁘고 멋진 사람에게 눈길을 주는 것은 인간의 본능이기 때문입니다. 

뛰어는 외모가 절대적으로 이익이라는 것은 누구나 피부로 느끼는 사실이다. 그만큼 ‘얼굴’의 효과는 크다(물론 얼굴이 전부라는 뜻은 아니다. 그러나 간혹 얼굴은 전보가 될 수도 있다). 만일 자신의 얼굴에 콤플렉스가 있다면 무리하지 않은 선에서 성형을 고려해부는 것도 좋다. 현대에 있어서 성형은 부정직한 행동이 아니며 다른 사람을 기만하는 행동도 아니다. 오히려 지신을 포함해 사람들을 행복하게 하는 행동이다. 성형으로 콤플렉스를 해소하면 외모가 좋아지고 그 결과자신감이 생기며 성격도 한층 밝아진다. 다른 사람에게 주는 인상 역시 좋아져 매력적인 사람이 된다.

얼굴이 매력적이면 뜻하지 않은 아악을 얻게 된다. 미남이나 미녀는 가령 전혀 그렇지 않은데도 ‘지적이다, 사교적이다, 성격이 좋다’는 등의 편가를 받는다. 긍정적인 평가를 받기 쉬운 것이다 (이것을 후광효과라고 한다). 가만히 있으면 알아서 상대가 좋아해주니 이보다 효율적일 수 없다.

보험설계사로 일하는 Y씨는 평범한 외모의 30대 후반 여성이었다. 그녀는 열심히 노력했지만 생각만큼 실적을 올릴 수 없었다. 어느 날 그녀는 거울을 들여다보다가 쌍꺼풀 수술을 하고 코를 높여야겠다는 결심을 했다. 그녀는 수술을 한 이후 외모가 달라졌고 사람들로부터 예쁘다는 칭찬을 주주 듣게 되었다. 높은 실적을 올리게 된 것은 두말한 나위가 없다. 아름다운 외모는 신뢰감을 주고 세일즈에 긍정적 효과를 마치기 때문이다. 

미남이나 미녀일수록 인기가 많은 동물 것은 동문 세계에서도 마찬가지다. 예를 들면 원숭이나 말의 경우에는 털의 숱이 많고 윤기가 날수록 인기가 있고 공작은 꼬리의 아름다움으로 인기가 정해진다. 동물이나 인간이나 외모는 사회생활에서 중요한 요소이다.

그렇다면 평범한 얼굴을 가진 사람은 매력적인 존재가 될 수 없을까? 사회생활을 잘하기 위해서는 무조건 성형수술을 해야 한다 말인가? 그렇지 않다. 사실은 어떤 얼굴이든지 지금보다 훨씬 매력적으로 뵈게 하는 방법이 있다. 바로 ‘웃는 얼굴’ 이다 . 무표정이나 화난 표정보다 환하게 웃는 얼굴은 사람을 금방 끌어당긴다. 웃음은 얼굴을 예쁘게 만들어주는 묘약이다. 또 나이보다 젊게 한다. 포커페이스 미남보다 환하게 웃는 평범한 얼굴의 사람이 더 사랑 받는다. 늘 웃는 얼굴을 하면 누구나 매력적인 사람이 될 수 있는 것이다.

What Makes Me Love My Boyfriend

1. I love it when he tells me he loves me
2. I love it when he calls me Babe/DOBEN/AMOR
3. I love him when it seems like he can’t resist me
4. I love the way he kisses me
5. I love the way he holds my hand
6. I love it when he holds me
7. I love it when he texts me when I’m upset
8. I love how he seems to care when I’m angry about stuff
9. I love the way he holds me when we kiss
10. I love that I can say he’s mine
11. I love his hair :)
12. I love knowing that he’s always gonna be there
13. I love it when he makes me happy
14. I love it when he tells me I’m pretty
15. I love it when he kisses me to calm me down
16. I love every single move he makes
17. I love how he always seems to win an argument
18. I love it when I sit on his lap
19. I love it that he makes me feel like I can tell him everything
20. I love how he doesn't know the effect he has on me
21. I love how he makes it seem like he can’t live without me
22. I love how he always makes me want more of him
23. I love it when he tries in school
24. I love when we go to the movies
25. I love him telling me I taste like cake (like he cares..)
26. I love him because he’s himself around me
27. I love how he looks at me
28. I love how he tells me he’s thinking of me
29. I love how he turns me on
30. I love how he doesn’t give too many compliments
31. I love how we solve our problems as a couple
32. I love how he uses “We” and “I” in texts
33. I love everything he says
34. I love how he makes me laugh
35. I love it when I smile because his texts are so sweet
36. I love how he kisses me goodbye
37. I love how he’s cool with his friends
38. I love when he tells me he wants to be with me
39. I love how he’s the only real happiness in me
40. I love how I can just be with him and its all I need
41. I love how I can’t stop loving him
42. I love it when he tries to be happy so that I can be happy
43. I love how he knows some of the most random things
44. I love it when he listens to me complain about something then makes me laugh
45. I love when he goes out of his way to be with me
46. I love how he makes me feel special
47. I love knowing that he still loves me after I’m mean to him
48. I love how he apologizes for things that aren’t his fault
49. I love it when he asks if everything’s okay
50. I love that he wants to do stuff with me
51. I love how he calls me amor oe
52. I love it when he tells me what the hell is going on when I don’t know
53. I love how he picks me over the other girls
54. I love the notes he writes me
55. I love how he makes it intense before we kiss
56. I love it when he tells me if he’s upset with me
57. I love it when he’s mad and I kiss him to try and make it all better
58. I love how he’s always trying to be with me no matter how much trouble he’d get in
59. I love how he tries not to care when I hang out with other guys
60. I love it when he does get upset when I talk to guys because I can tell him how much I love him
61. I love how he lies to a substitute so he can sit next to me
62. I love it when he tries to take me away from my girlfriends
63. I love how he doesn’t care if people are watching when he kisses me
64. I love how he talks to his mom about me (haha yes u do!)
65. I love it when he makes me smile just thinking about him
66. I love when he asks me what I would be doing if I was with him
67. I love how he isn’t all about sex
68. I love it when he tells me he misses me
69. I love it when he inspires me to do something (like this)
70. I love it when he teases in a positive way
71. I love how he hugs me and sometimes doesn’t let go
72. I love when he keeps texting me even if we’re not saying anything
73. I love it when he says I love u when were kissing
74. I love the way he’s honest even when I don’t agree
75. I love that we have some things in common
76. I love it how for me, it’s only him.
77. I love when he gets mad at me and I kiss him all over
78. I love how he is social
79. I love how he loves me just as much as I love him
80. I love how amazing he is all the time
81. I love that he’s the only person who can really calm me down
82. I love how I can talk to him and not care what he might say because I trust him
83. I love how much I can trust him with things
84. I love how he doesn't always blab to his friends
85. I love it when he is really happy
86. I love that I know he’ll always be there for me no doubt
87. I love when he tells me I’m his one and only
88. I love how he loves to be with me no matter what we’re doing
89. I love how he asks what I’m doing all the time
90. I love when he doesn't keep secrets from me
91. I love that I love him unconditionally
92. I love how we’re going to be together all the time someday
93. I love it when he first told me he loved me
94. I love how I told him how stupid he was for liking me in the first place and he said he didn't care
95. I love how I can write so many things about him that I love
96. I love how he actually cares that I’m writing this and is probably reading it right now
97. I love the way he tells me he loves me because he really means it
98. I love how he wants to be with me all summer
99. I love it when he tells me he loves me in front of everyone
100. I love him so much!!

Nami Island

Nami Island is one of the Korean islands on the river Bukhan (Bukhangang, 복한강) on the border between Gyeonggi-do and Gangwon-do (approximately one hour and a half drive from Seoul). Although this place is very popular among Koreans, and can be seen in most Korean dramas (especially in romantic scenes where the boy declares his love to the girl), it’s not usually visited by foreign tourists. The island is small, but quite pretty, perfect to relax for a while and spend the afternoon walking around beautiful scenery.

Getting in the boat

겨울연가 = Winter Sonata

Last year (19 June 2010), after final exam, I met my boyfriend at Daeheng station (line no. 6). We did intend to visit Nami Island. First we went to Insadong. But we couldn’t get a ticket for the bus because we were late. Then we went to the Cheongnyangni Station. Poor us, we had to wait for almost 4 hours.

We went to the subway station at 12 pm, and we leaved from Cheongnyangni station to Gapyeong station at 2:30 pm. We rushed to the train, because we were so excited. Our destination: Nami Island or Naminara Republic, one-way ticket to Gapyeong was 3.800 won. 

Boat Ticket to Nami Island

I was glad the train was not full. The trip took less than one hour and a half from Cheongnyangni station. We arrived at Gapyeong station quite late that evening. Then we decided to stay a night in Hotel. The next day, we took a taxi to Nami Island for 3,700 won. (That wasn’t expensive!) The ticket price was 8.000 won for taking boat to Nami Island.

Korean drama: Winter Sonata 

Korean drama: Winter Sonata


To explore the Island, we rent 2 single bikes. Mine was blue and my BF's was white. We also took lots pictures. At lunch time, we had Chicken and Ice flakes (팥빈수=Patpinsu).

Overall, we really enjoyed our trip. For me, Nami Island is better than ever. The Island became famous for the Korean drama called Winter Sonata in 2009 and it was my first went there. I think Nami Island is good place to visit with your boyfriends or girlfriend, or family and kids.


Each of us had our own dreams since we were children. Some of us wanted to be a doctor, engineer, scientist, economist, president, etc. With these dreams made us struggle in our study from the very first day we attended school until now. Some of us still hold on their dream once we were a child, but some are not. They have changed the way that they will be. Also, that's what happened to me.

When I was in elementary school, a teacher told us to draw anything on the poster, sort of our dream in the future when we grew up. I saw other friend with different drawing on the poster. To be honest, that time I drew about I was wearing a white coat long-sleeved, and held a basket with million dollars on it. On the poster I wrote this message: "I want to be a doctor so that I can make million dollars!"

One day, my parents told me that I should became a business woman to make a lot of money, but I didn't care for that idea since I knew that to be a doctor is necessary for me, my family and my community, especially for those who are in need. As the time gone by, I then change my mind that I do not want to be a doctor in the future anymore. Because being doctor, every day you will face injured patients and something relates to the blood. On the other hand, I am the one who really scares of the blood and injure.

As I attended high school, I participated one of school's extracurricular activities called Wall Journal. I was in that club two years and a half, and I really enjoyed my time by working with computer. Sometimes, I spent lots time in front of computer by doing journal. 

From that time, I was really impressed by computer. Not just how to make the journal in my extracurricular activity, but also really wanted to know the computer itself. I really want to study about computer. That's why after my graduation I intended to study about computer science in the university in my home country (East Timor) for 6 months before came here. I'm sure that choosing a career is not easy problem. Last year when I attended English Business Practice class, I have learned how to choose a good career for myself, a career that suits me. Also, I have determined which way I should follow to achieve this career.

Nowadays, there are varieties of professions such as being a doctor, an economist, a lawyer, etc. Therefore, it is hard to choose which suits your interests and abilities. As for me I have made up my mind to become an engineer. I love working with computer, and make innovation about modern technology.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Jeonju City

It was my second field trip since I became a Sogang University’s student. My first field trip was trip to Ganwong-do Daemyung Vivaldi Park Ski World in winter 2009. My Second field trip was the trip to Jeonju city in autumn 2011. 

On the second field trip, we spent two-day one-night in Jeonju. Jeonju was once the capital of Korea’s Baekje Kingdom, and was also the home of the Joseon Dynasty’s founding king, Yi Seong-gye. I was so excited.

Sogang University team at Jeonju city Henaok Village
11 November 2o11

It was November 11th, known as pepero day, we departed from Sogang University at 9am and arrived at Jeonju at 12pm. On the way to Jeonju, I couldn't spend my time chitchatting with my foreign friends, because I needed to use that time studying for my Data Communication test after back from the trip. Felt so sad ㅠㅠ

When we arrived at our destination, we had pibimpap for lunch. Yes, Pibimpap is popular in Jeonju city, so we needed to taste it first once we got there.

However, it was not that delicious as we expected, and expensive. Maybe we went to the wrong restaurant I guess. After our lunch, we started our plan that already listed on the schedule. 

We first went to look around the Hanok Village, which is just near the restaurant. We went for experiencing Korean culture. We learnt how to do bamboo paper fan. I loved it. They already prepared fans and gave one for each person to paint whatever we want. I draw roses on the fan that I got. 

Bamboo paper fan ~ Before

Bamboo paper fan ~ After

After the drawing stuff, then we moved to the next activity which was learning how to make a Hanji, a traditional paper made from the inner bark of a mulberry tree native to Koreas’s mountainsides. I had so much fun worked with my friends.


When we finished doing the Hanji, we together moved to the Hanok (Traditional Korean homesibuild of clay, wood and stone) learnt the history of hanok and got some other information about hanok itself. We took a bunch of photos (I love doing that and taking photos is my hobby anyway). 

The view of Hanok Village from hill was totally awesome

We also went seeing the famous Jeondong Catholic Church which is located at the entrance of the Hanok Village. The Jeondong Catholic Church was built on the very site of the Pungnammun Gate where the first Korean Catholic martyr was executed. This Romanesque structure reflects a simple beauty; it is said that its cornerstones were built using the stones of the demolished Pungnammun Gate. Major attractions are the memorial stone of the first executed martyr and the cathedral’s stained glass, also depicting the martyrs.

Jeondgong Cathedral 

Diverse Korean dramas/movies were filming here
Such as “Promise” and many more

After four hours doing the activities, we grabbed some dinner together because we got really hungry and tired. Then, we went to another restaurant having beef shabu shabu for dinner. Well, we looked happy when we saw that shabu shabu. Finally, we had meat at least for dinner and it was double delicious than pibimpap that we had for lunch. 

After that, we continued to the next place. Dude! We explored the hanok village without brake. NICE!! Yup, we were still around the hanok, we entered one place of hanok, took a sit, waiting for watching Korean traditional song called "Pan Sori" and other performances. Because it became dark, I started to feel cold. 

Finally, the performances were finished. We then got on the bus, and headed to Hotel. Everyone was tired but looked excited waiting for the next day to continue our journey.

The next day, 12 November, after a leisurely breakfast we prepared continuing our journey to the next city, which is Gimje City to explore Geumsansa Buddhist Temple. The weather was sunny and beautiful. 

It’s not the same as the day before it. I felt so excited. When we got on the bus, I started chitchatting with my friends, eating bananas and oranges with them. After one hour we stopped by one of the restaurant and had lunch. Here we go again~No MEAT, only fresh vegetables that they served. Well, I finished them all, because I did need energy for exploring that city. The restaurant looks great, no houses or any apartment around it. The view also looks great, especially the miscanthus field. I felt like I was in my home country. 

By the way, whenever we were together, we always took photos. When everyone felt full and ready, we continued going to our destination which was Buddhist temple. It took us lest then 30 minutes to get there. WOW, this is what people called the real NATURE!!! That place is wonderful. When I got off from the bus, I felt so fresh, I forgot all of my stress, felt like nothing’s bothering me. I Love that place. As we all got off the bus, we then started to explore Buddhist Temple. 

Temple Unfortunately, all good things came to an end. We had to return to Seoul, so we started to make our way back to the bus stop. However, I'm glad that I got to see these two Jeonju City and Gimje City. I can't wait to be out on the road again and discover another city.

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